Adult Soccer

The New Albany Adult Soccer League is a non-profit association that donates all of its proceeds (after expenses) to scholarships for soccer players. The league plays for fun and exercise. All skill levels welcome. 


Adult Soccer

Fees: $75 for 9 Games

Individuals are assigned to teams by the league; although some of the teams have been together for years. Games are played in two halves, each lasting 40 minutes.

We do require all players wear shin guards. Most players wear cleats although tennis shoes or turf shoes are acceptable footwear.

All players are required to sign a waiver of liability. We provide certified referees to ensure player safety. Our referees have the final call on all game-related decisions.

Games are played with 10 field players and 1 goalie. We require a minimum of 2 females on the field at all times; although the captains may choose to play more at the same time. Most of the teams have at least 15 players rostered. Some have more due to players being out of town.

Although we don’t have many rules, other those used by FIFA, we expect all players, referees, players and anyone else at the game will behave in a manner that is respectful to one another and to the league. Inappropriate or offensive language, behavior or attire will not be tolerated and could lead to a suspension or ban from the game or the league.

*In the event that you register and are unable to play before the season begins, you may receive a refund. After the season begins, there are no refunds.

person kicking a soccer ball outside at dusk


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