Abuse Prevention

Protecting Our Youth Athletes

Keeping Kids Safe

The purpose of the youth sports programs in New Albany is to teach fundamental skills, sportsmanship, and elements of team play in a fun, safe and positive environment. To that end, we have adopted the following policies designed to reduce the likelihood of inappropriate behavior toward our program participants.

Prevention Training

The NFHS Protecting Students from Abuse Training is appropriate for anyone in any sports organization, this training will teach our members how to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to abuse in sports.

This training is valid for three years once completed.

close up of whistle on a lanyard against a blue jacket
coach talking to two students and writing notes

Criminal Background Checks

Background checks allow our organization to confidently utilize coaches and volunteers who have no recorded history of abuse or misconduct. All volunteer coaches will be subject to a background check; this background check will be updated every two (2) years for each coach.

New Albany Parks and Recreation

Prohibited Behaviors

  • Prohibited Substances: Participants shall not be under the influence or consume alcohol or any illegal substance while participating in Sanctioned Activities. Participants shall not provide alcohol or drugs (illegal or otherwise) to Youth Participants. 
  • Sexual Misconduct: Nudity: No participant should be nude in the presence of a Youth Participant who is not a Family Member; Sexually Oriented Conversations: No Participant shall engage in sexually oriented communications with any Youth Participant; Sexually Oriented Materials: No Participant should present or provide sexually oriented materials (e.g. magazines, other printed materials, videos, cell phone images etc.) to any Youth Participant; Sexually Oriented Physical Contact: No participant may engage in sexually oriented physical contact with a Youth Participant.
    • Appropriate physical contact between a Participant and a Youth Participant is an inevitable and productive part of youth sports. Such contact may occur in connection with training, medical treatment, celebration, consolation, or safety concerns.
  • Harassment: No Participant should engage in harassment of any Youth Participant in connection with any Sanctioned Activity. “Harassment” means (a) a repeated pattern of behaviors including foul or abusive language that are intended (i) to cause fear or humiliation, (ii) to offend or degrade, (iii) to create a hostile environment, or (iv) to establish dominance or power over a Youth Participant and any conduct within the definition of “harassment” under applicable federal or state laws.
  • Non-related one-adult/one-child interaction except in an emergency where following this policy would be dangerous to the child.

Suspected Abuse


Any adult – board member, employee, coach, or other volunteers – interacting with an amateur athlete in the program has a duty to report abuse and/or suspected abuse within a 24-hour period of awareness. EVERY adult is a mandatory reporter. The confidentiality of any who makes such a report will be protected.

New Albany Parks and Recreation: Contact Dave Wharton at dwharton@naparks.org

Local Law Enforcement: Contact the New Albany Police Department at (614) 855-1234

Local Children Services: Contact Franklin County Children Services at (614) 229-7000

US Center for SafeSport: Submit online or call (833) 587-7233